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Fruits of the holy spirit

The Fruits And Gifts of The Holy Spirit

Every Individual Was Gifted To Express A Fruit of the Holy Spirit. 

Type 1's Gift of Wisdom produces the Fruit of Discipline.

Type 2's Gift of Knowledge generates the Fruit of Humility.

Type 3's Gift of Persuasion creates the Fruit of Confidence.

Type 4's Gift of Healing produces the Fruit of Generosity.

Type 5's Gift of Empowerment generates the Fruit of Usefulness.

Type 6's Gift of Prediction produces the Fruit of Patience.

Type 7's Gift of Discernment creates the Fruit of Peacefulness.

Type 8's Gift of Intuition generates the Fruit of Joyfulness.

Type 9's Gift of Interpretation produces the Fruit of Love.

The Online Course

The 9 Human Types Online Course is designed to help your recognize your unique talents and capabilities, so that you can grow into more of who you are and gain a greater understanding of how to succeed and reach our greatest potential. Understand yourself and others like never before. Sign up now and become empowered with the knowledge of your highest purpose.

9 Human Types Online Course

Fruits Are the Expression of Gifts

Our Gift of the Holy Spirit is a specialized Intelligence formed within our structure of Spirit (Mind), producing a frequency of Consciousness and a corresponding Fruit or Expression of the Holy Spirit. Fruit can be understood as the character, behavior or personality of a Gift – aspects which are more obvious or recognizable. Gifts of Holy Spirit are responsible for generating all profit, achievement and success in life.


One specific Gift produces one specific Fruit, together forming the basis of one Human Type. For example, Human Type 1's Gift of Wisdom works to generate right, straight or focused thought, and the avoidance of distraction, producing the Fruit of a Disciplined, strict or goal-orientated person. 

The 9 Fruits and 9 Gifts

Our Gift of Intelligence is available at birth as an inherent encodement within our function of Mind, also known as our Spirit. Our Intelligence works automatically to generate thought, reasoning and communication. There are 9 Primary Gifts, one per every Human and evenly dispersed, which means that we each share our Gift with approximately 11% of the population. 

These 9 Gifts were originally recorded within the book of 1 Corinthians 12:7-11:

But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of (1)wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of (2)knowledge through the same Spirit, to another (3)faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of (4)healings by the same Spirit, to another the (5)working of miracles, to another (6)prophecy, to another (7)discerning of spirits, to another different (8)kinds of tongues, to another the (9)interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.


Their 9 corresponding Fruits of the Holy Spirit are listed here, in reverse numerical order, within the book of Galatians 5:22-23:


But the fruit of the Spirit is (9)love, (8)joy, (7)peace, (6)forbearance, (5)kindness, (4)goodness, (3)faithfulness, (2)gentleness and (1)self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Discover Your Fruit And Gift of The Holy Spirit

In order to find an individual's Human Type, all one needs to do is add the numbers of their birthdate until reaching a single digit between 1 and 9. For example: If your birthdate is June 16, 1979, we add together 6+1+6+1+9+7+9 = 39, then adding 3+9 = 12, then adding 1+2 = Human Type 3. To check your results you can also use our free birthdate calculator.

Every individual was born with one Primary Gift and three Secondary Gifts, for a total of four. Our three Secondary Gifts include one Gift of Time (Now, Past, or Future), one Gift of Being (Soul, Body, or Spirit/Mind), and one Gift of Energy (Feminine, Masculine, or Mutable). To learn about all your Gifts and more, become a Member by enrolling in the 9 Human Types Online Course.

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