Getting To Know My Spiritual Gift
You Can Know Your Spiritual Gift
The question, what is my spiritual gift undoubtedly arises at some point along the path of becoming a Christian or student of the Bible. The idea comes from a unique passage in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 that lays out a list of 9 spiritual gifts and points to the fact that one gift is given to every individual. Here is that passage (numbers and underlines added):
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of (1)wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of (2)knowledge through the same Spirit, to another (3)faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of (4)healings by the same Spirit, to another the (5)working of miracles, to another (6)prophecy, to another (7)discerning of spirits, to another different (8)kinds of tongues, to another the (9)interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.
As the 9 Human Types system reveals, it is easy to know which spiritual gift someone has. We can find an individual's spiritual gift number by a simple process of adding together the numbers of their birthdate until reaching a single digit between 1 and 9. That sum is in perfect coordination to the sequence of 9 spiritual gifts listed above. Here is an example of how to identify someone's spiritual gift by birthdate: if a birthdate is July 11, 1996, we add together 7+4+1+5+9+9+6 = 38, then we add 3+8 = 11, and finally we add 1+1 = 2: the Spiritual Gift of Knowledge.
Learning More About My Spiritual Gift
Did you know that every individual has a total of 4 spiritual gifts? The 9 Human Types Online Course was created to empower individuals with the knowledge of all their spiritual gifts, along with the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Understand yourself and others like never before. Enroll today and experience the joy of living your life with greater purpose and potential.

The Signs of Prodigy
We may wonder if God really intended that we find our spiritual gift by our birthdate. Well, there is proof of this written in Genesis 1:14 –
And God said, 'Let there be lights in the sky to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years,
This verse points to the potential of a calendar system, that we would be able to use the sun and the moon (lights in the sky) to mark 'days and years'. This verse also reports that our system of marking of time would be useful as 'signs'.
There are many times in studying the Bible that one must take a deeper look into the origins of a word, to understand its meaning before it was translated. This is indeed the case here regarding the word 'signs', which was originally recorded as the Hebrew word "oth". Here is the Strong's Concordance definition:
ôwth, or oth; (in the sense of appearing); a signal (literally or figuratively), as a flag, beacon, monument, omen, prodigy, evidence, etc.:—mark, miracle, (en-) sign, token.
We have learned that "oth" designates a miraculous sign or mark of prodigy. Let's define prodigy using the Oxford dictionary:
A person, especially a young one, endowed with exceptional qualities or abilities.
We are grateful for this wonderful phenomenon of being able to identify our spiritual gift from within our birthdate.

What Is My Spiritual Gift?
Discovering Your Spiritual Gift Is Now Easier Than Ever.
Select Your Date of Birth:

Type #1: Gift of Wisdom
There is a right way – the direction of your goals.

Type #2: Gift of Knowledge
Facts don’t care about feelings, and we decide their meaning.

Type #3: Gift of Persuasion
You must believe in me and I in you in order to create.

Type #4: Gift of Healing
Let the tension build, there’s a lesson and relief on the other side

Type #5: Gift of Empowerment
We want you in awe where your heart opens to greatness.

Type #6: Gift of Prediction
Persistence and strategic planning achieves measurable results.
Type #7: Gift of Discernment
Lets connect and disconnect so we can both see ourselves clearly.

Type #8: Gift of Intuition
Go all in for the gold, you always have what you need.

Type #9: Gift of Interpretation
Speak to me softly and simply, we’re all in this together now.